The Oldest Grand Chapter in the United States Serving Capitular Masonry in Pennsylvania Since 1795
My Brother,
As a Master Mason, wouldn’t you like to discover more about that distinctive Anglo-American Rite in our Fraternity?
Shouldn’t you be interested in learning the ancient, true, and secret word of a Master Mason and the legend of how Masonic truth was deposited for preservation?
Your positive response prompts this invitation to advance further in YORK RITE.
The purpose of Freemasonry is to be a builder of character. Our Masonic duty is to develop, in our present lives, the highest qualities within us. To reach this objective, we must have knowledge of the goal and the pathway by which it may be obtained. The time honored method of teaching in our Fraternity is through a system of degrees, through which fuller understanding of Masonic concepts is developed
Most Excellent Grand High Priest - Eric C. Stahley
If you are a visitor to our website and have questions about the Grand Holy Royal Arch Chapter of Pennsylvania or if you are a Royal Arch member and have questions about Grand Chapter programs. Please feel free to contact us.
In addition you can quickly contact the Grand Secretary or the website Webmaster via the Social Links Menu located an the bottom of each page
The Pennsylvania Masonic Youth Foundation maintains a Educational Endowment Fund, from which scholarship awards are made annually to deserving recipients, in a competitive program.
If you would like a specific number, please contact the Grand King to see if it’s available prior to submitting your order.
The cost is still $50.00 with 3 dollars S&H. All proceeds benefit the Ronald McDonald Houses of Pennsylvania.
If you are a Royal Arch Mason or are considering becoming a Royal Arch Mason and are looking for something you do not see here please email me. If you have a suggestion of something you would like to see here or that would be beneficial to other members again email me or post a comment in our discussion area.