2022 Photos June – Dec

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Orient Chapter

On Monday, October 10th, The MEGHP made an Official Visit to Orient Chapter No. 247. Many thanks for the hospitality Companions, what a wonderful evening!
Thanks to Comp. Alan Duncan, PHP of Delta No. 170, for being the official photographer last night.

Picking up a quick snack on the way to Orient Chapter No. 247

Pottstown Chapter No. 198

At the Official Visit of the MEGHP to Pottstown Chapter No. 198 on Sept. 20th, each of the Throne Officers were presented with a plaque recognizing their commitment to Capitular Masonry in Pennsylvania.
Many thanks for the recognition, and we are all deeply humbled by this show of support.

Union Chapter No. 161

The MEGHP made a visit September 14th, to Union Chapter No. 161 in Towanda. Thanks for the hospitality, Companions!  We had a wonderful evening!

Monessen Chapter No. 164

All 5 of the Elected Grand Officers, as well as DDGHP Randall D. Frye, Visited Monessen Chapter No. 164 for their Annual picnic last night.
Thanks to all the Companions as well as our host, Comp. John Habel, for your hospitality!

St. John’s Chapter No. 171 in Carlisle

On September 1st, MEGHP Klinger made an Official Visit to St. John’s Chapter No. 171 in Carlisle. And of course, there was ice cream after the meeting!
Thank you for a wonderful meeting, Companions!
All 5 of the Elected Grand Officers, as well as DDGHP Randall D. Frye, Visited Monessen Chapter No. 164 for their Annual picnic.
Thanks to all the Companions as well as our host, Comp. John Habel, for your hospitality!

Good Samaritan Mark Lodge No.139

On August 31st, The MEGHP made an Official Visit to Good Samaritan Mark Lodge No.139 for their Lady’s Night and Anniversary Banquet meeting. The Lodge would have celebrated its 10th Anniversary in 2010, but due to the COVID restrictions, the celebration was postponed until this year.
The event was held a Hickory Bridge Farm in Orrtanna, and the entettinment for the evening was a murder mystery. Congratulations to Mark Lodge on their continued success!

Trip to meeting in the hills

Pit stop on our way to Meeting in the Hills…

Bushy Run

On June 28, the MEGHP made an Official Visit to Bushy Run Chapter No. 192. We had a great meeting, with great fellowship. The MEGHP was even treated to ice cream in the social hall after the meeting! Many thanks for the hospitality, Companions.

Gateway RAC No. 285

On June 18, The MEGHP made an Official Visit to Gateway RAC No. 285. Thank you for your hospitality, Companions!

Griscom Chapter

On June 16, the MEGHP made an Official Visit to Griscom Chapter. As usual, we had to stop for ice cream on the way!
Thanks for the hospitality, Companions. We had a wonderful visit!

Lackawanna Chapter No. 185

The MEGHP Visited Lackawanna Chapter No. 185 June 14th. After a brief business meeting, the Companions adjourned to the adjoining Chapter room where the MEGHP conferred the Mark Master Mason’s Degree on 6 candidates who are joining three Chapters in the District. Congratulations to all of our newly Marked Masons!

Powering up for a Mark Degree conferral later tonight at Lackawanna Chapter with
2 scoops of butter pecan….

Samuel C. Perkins Chapter No. 209

On June 13, the MEGHP visited Samuel C. Perkins Chapter No. 209 in Mechanicsburg. We had a great turnout and wonderful meal. Thank you for your hospitality, Companions!
Lots going on this night at Samuel C. Perkins Chapter! Comp. Michael G. Oyler presented Companion Joshua E. Gerstenlauer with his Certificate of Achievement for serving as High Priest of the Chapter for 2020 and 2021. Comp. Gerstenlauer was also presented with his PHP jewel by MEHP Grant M. Litsinger.
Conflagrations, Companion Josh!
At the meeting of Samuel C. Perkins Chapter No. 209 last night, the MEGHP assisted Comp. Michael G. Oyler with a 50 year pin and certificate presentation to Companion John L. Shambaugh.
Congratulations on attaining 50 years in Capitular Masonry, Comp. Shambaugh!

M. P. Grand Master MPC Richard W. Fesler, Jr. is a member of Samuel C. Perkins Chapter, so we took the opportunity to snap a picture of both the the MPGM and the MEGHP while they were together.

At the meeting of Samuel C. Perkins Chapter No. 209 last night, Companion Michael G. Oyler presented Companion Dwayne H. Haus with his certificate and pin recognizing him as a Capitular Master for completing the Grand Chapter CARE education program.
Congratulations Companion Dwayne!
If you are interested in the Capitular Academy of Research and Education (CARE), you can find more information here: https://paroyalarch.org/care-information/
At the meeting of Samuel C. Perkins Chapter No. 209 on June 13, the MEGHP presented Veteran’s Service Pins to Companions John L. Shambaugh and Freddy X. Lebron.
Thank you for your service, Companions.

Antony Wayne Chapter No. 204 and Eureka Chapter No. 179

At a joint meeting of Antony Wayne Chapter No. 204 and Eureka Chapter No. 179 Held on June 9th. DDGHP Peter K. Townsend Jr. and MEGHP Michael W. Klinger presented three Companions with a certificate of appreciation for serving their Chapters as High Priest.
Thank you, Companions!

MEGHP Michael W. Klinger visited Arnold Chapter No. 254 on May 17th. At that visit, he presented Companions Joseph S. Knell, PHP, Steven J. Joyce, PHP, and Gregg A. Schena, PHP with their Veteran’s Service Pins. Congratulations Companions and thank you for your service.